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Contact Us

Thank you for your support! We always appreciate your enquiries and comments. We look forward to providing you more valuable services and consultation.

If you have the following enquiries:

  • Website issues or any technical supports
  • Palmary Solutions services
  • Business development issues or partners opportunities
  • Marketing and public relation issues
  • Advertising on

Please contact us

by filling in the form below.

Hong Kong Office

Palmary Hong Kong

Address1106, KT336, 336 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Sales & General Enquiry+852 2342-7972
Technical Support+852 3499-1045
Non-office hour hotline+852 6831-6836
Fax+852 2342-7973

Guangzhou Office

Palmary Guangzhou

AddressRm. 2007, R and F Profit Plaza,
76 Huang Pu Da Dao,
Zhujiang New City
, Guang Zhou, China
Sales & General Enquiry+86 20 2203-1595
Fax+852 2342-7973

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